The Inter-American Court of Human Rights has found that Chile is liable for the discriminatory treatment of a woman who was removed from her position as a religion teach at a public school because of her sexual orientation.

“In the Judgment in the Case of Pavez Pavez Vs. Chile, notified today, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights declared that the State of Chile is responsible for the violation of the rights to equality and non-discrimination, to personal liberty, to privacy and to work, recognized in the American Convention on Human Rights, to the detriment of Sandra Pavez Pavez, for the discriminatory treatment she suffered when she was removed from her position as a Catholic religion teacher in a public school, after her certificate of suitability was revoked by the Vicariate for Education of the Bishopric of San Bernardo on the basis of her sexual orientation.”

Here is the full decision (in Spanish):

Here is a summary of the decision (in Spanish):

Here is the press-release: